
Beach Layout

As the 2021 season approaches and we all make plans to bring our boats down to the beach the committee have looked at allocating areas of the beach to certain size boats this year, attached is the proposed layout, this will be explained further in the zoom call on the 24th March – invite to follow. As you will see we have 6 defined areas on the beach with a mix of single handers, medium sized double handers, large double handers and club boats. There is approx. 72 spaces available and we anticipate 68 boats coming to the beach this year so space is at a premium, this and logistics whilst manoeuvring boats in and out of spaces has led to this plan being made up. 

  • Area 1 & 2 should be used for medium sized double handers (for example Ents, Laser 2000’s etc)
  • Area 3 should be used for large double handers (for example RS400’s, Laser 4000’s, Int 14s etc)
  • Area 4 is for club boats 
  • Area 5 & 6 should be used for single handers (for example lasers, solos etc)

 The spacing of the tyres have been checked and the above boats should fit in just nicely, once the mats are re-laid in the planned beach clean-up at the end of March and start of April the layouts should become a lot clearer. A copy of the plan will be posted in the window of the club as an aid when people come to the beach. Kind Regards TSC Committee